WebSlices in Firefox #5
By glazou on Wednesday 12 March 2008, 15:18 - Mozilla - Permalink
- second type of webslice (HTML-based) implemented
- support of favicon
- support of expiration
- warnings in the popup for the expiration date, if the data has already expired, or if the remote resource is unreachable/unparsable
- code cleanup
- manual refresh through context menu in the toolbar
- better handling on the in-page webchunk icon
- clicking on the toolbar's icon should list all webchunks in the page for direct subscription
- possibility to tweak name before subscription
- v0.02 XPI
- tests of feed-based webchunks: the IE8 eBay search
- tests of in-page webchunks: Stumble Upon for IE8
The hardest part is done, the rest is really minor. Overall, it took me more or less 3 days - seven hours per day only, hey, France is a country of slackers, that's well known - to implement one of the new key features of IE8... One easy conclusion : long life Firefox !
Update: Zbigniew gandalf Braniecki had fifteen minutes to kill today. Downloaded my extension and contributed a quick patch adding a Refresh button :-) That is also Ze Power of Mozilla :-)
Woah, comments are on.
You mentioned implementing the second type of webslice.
I haven't experimented with IE's version, but is it right that they have not implemented this way? (they only allow the preprepared version)
I take it this approach is similar to Safari's version of web clips (or whatever they call it)?
I just tried this using two slices on one page and when I subscribed to either of the chunks *both* of them appear together when I click on the entry in the toolbar. I put some plain text between the two slices and that doesn't appear. Do you use a class selector "hslice" for the whole page instead of only dealing with the slice under the cursor?