Webchunks progress
By glazou on Tuesday 2 September 2008, 19:06 - Mozilla - Permalink
Julio Ernesto Lopez, webmaster of www.criticadigital.com, sent me yesterday a very interesting bug report about webchunks. It's very interesting because it's two bugs in one really, one for my Webchunks extension and one for IE8's implementation of Webslices. On my side, I was incorrectly disabling JavaScript in weslices in some cases and that led to problems with sites populating data from Ajax queries. It took me a few hours yesterday to correctly narrow the bug and find a fix. On IE8's side, I noticed a very visible difference between Webslices' "specification" and IE8's behaviour. I have pinged Microsoft about that. I'll tell you more when I have their reply.
So expect a new version of Webchunks to hit addons.mozilla.org in the coming days (addon review needed, it's not a trusted extension yet).
Hi! It seems to be that the WebChunks implementation does not support multiple title or multiple content definition (you can check that both things are done in criticadigital Webslice).
@Miguel : only because the Webslices so-called "specification" does NOT mention what the User Agent should do in case of multiple entry-title... Apparently IE8 creates a single whitespace-separated title from them. Ok.
The bad news is that Webchunks simply does not seem to work for me. When I try to add a new one, I click on the Webchunks icon's arrow, I am able to select a block, the 'Subscribe...' windows comes up, I click OK... and nothing happens. The next thing I can do is press Cancel. Nothing is registered as a new chunk.