
EPUB3 fun #8

EPUB3 is based on the xml serialization of HTML5. When I say HTML5, I really mean the W3C version. But there is a problem ; that also happens with many other specs normatively referenced by EPUB3 but let's focus on HTML5 right now: the link to the HTML5 normative reference has for href http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/ . In other terms, the last version (WD, LCWD, CR, PR, REC) published by W3C.

What's the version to consider for the implementation of an EPUB3 reader or editor? I have no idea. What has changed between the time the HTML5 WD was normatively referenced and now? I have no idea. What if for instance an "at-risk" feature is dropped in a future WD of the spec? I have no idea.

This is not only a theoretical issue, it has a deep and immediate practical impact: validation of the Content Documents inside an EPUB3 ebook is impossible. More globally, full validation of an EPUB3 package is then impossible.


1. On Tuesday 21 August 2012, 16:19 by karl

I wonder if they have read the QA Specifications Guidelines. It seems it would be beneficial for their work.

2. On Wednesday 22 August 2012, 07:32 by fantasai

I think the sanest thing you can do is create your own profile of things that are valid (according to your own best judgement), and write your editor to that profile. And then maybe petition the EPUB folks to adopt it. :/